The Playground and Football Field Initiative (PFFI)

Within the next 2.5 years The Bio Foundation through our Playground and Football Field Initiative (PFFI) aims to establish at least one playground and one football field across every chiefdom in Sierra Leone.

With football being the most popular sport in Sierra Leone it is easy to understand why initiatives like PFFI are important and an essential tool in unifying the citizens. Sports has always had a way of unifying even the most bitter of enemies. When we all have our jerseys on, rooting for our various teams, we are no longer divided by politics, social class, race or tribe. We are at our best state, for once, even if it is just for ninety minutes, we celebrate together or feel the harsh pain of losing, together. Like our logo says at the Bio Foundation, “Together” we can, together we can do anything, we can be anything, we can change anything. The same sportsmanship that we see or “ fans-manship” that we show our various teams , is what we can show our fellow human beings. Initiatives like PFFI are important because it unifies, gives confidence to our children the future leaders, builds their collaboration skills, promotes their health through needed physical activities, which also is scientifically proven to impact performance in the classroom and one day, we hope, in the boardroom.  

The playground portion of PFFI focuses on social integration and health benefits among children.

Since our Founder became President of Sierra Leone in 2018, 2.5 million Sierra Leone children are now benefiting from his Free Quality Education initiative. To enhance our Founder’s initiatives, it is imperative that programs like PFFI are implemented and fully funded because play does enhance learning capabilities.

Research done by experts in numerous fields including education, health, psychology and biology have conducted studies that affirm the position that the playground is an essential aspect of learning. It allows the child to develop crucial cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills necessary in building confidence and advancing critical thinking capabilities.

From the cardiovascular system to the circulatory system, each is nurtured and benefited through play. Some physical benefits through playground play include: